Australia’s Chief Scientist provides high-level independent advice to the Prime Minister and other Ministers on matters relating to science, technology and innovation. They also hold the position of Executive Officer of the Commonwealth Science Council to identify challenges and opportunities for Australia that can be addressed, in part, through science.
ABC Science – Includes news, games and information for teachers and activities for children.
Australian Academy of Science – The academy aims to promote science through policy, education, international relations and recognition of outstanding contributions.
Australian Astronomy – Information for amateur, professionals, students and more.
Australian Science Communicators – An association of journalists, editors, engineers, educators, and communicators committed to the communication of science and technology.
Australian Skeptics – A confederation of skeptics groups across Australia that investigate the paranormal and pseudo-science.
Beyond Zero Emissions Inc. is a not-for-profit research and education organisation developing blueprints for the implementation of climate change solutions. Their goal is to transform Australia from a 19th century fossil fuel based economy to a 21st century renewable powered clean tech economy. Through the Zero Carbon Australia research project BZE is encouraging climate change policy that is in line with the science. By sharing this research with thousands of Australians via the Repower Australia talks program, BZE is engaging, educating and inspiring the community with real and positive solutions to climate change.
CSIRO – The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation is Australia’s national science agency.
The Defence Science and Technology Organisation – DSTO is the Australian Government’s lead agency charged with applying science and technology to protect and defend Australia and its national interests.
Earth Science Australia
CSIRO Food Science – Are committed to turning scientific research into innovative solutions for the food industry in Australia and overseas.
Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (AIFST) represents thousands of food industry professionals working in all facets of the food industry including food science, food technology, engineering, sensory, new product development, innovation, regulatory, QA, nutrition, microbiology and food safety, as well as those in leadership positions within the academic, industry and private sectors.
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