Better Streets

Better Streets is Australia’s peak body for improving our streets – for everyone’s benefit.

Everyone wants to improve their streets, but we’re often doing it for different reasons. Whether you’re a part of a Parents and Citizens (P&C) committee wanting your kids to be able to ride to school safely, a business owner wanting to connect with more local customers, a cycling club, advocacy group or part of an urban planning network, the Better Streets coalition can amplify your voice and ensure your group is represented at a national level. Better Streets knows how to improve the streets you care about – and we’re happy to teach you how to take more effective, scalable action today.

Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, North Territory, Australian Capital Territory
See more listings on our events pages for all states of Australia in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. You can also add your own events for community, environmental, non-profit and cultural groups and organisations free.