Impressions - Print Circle Exhibition 2024

Impressions is not merely an exhibition but a celebration of the diverse and multifaceted nature of contemporary printmaking. As women artists, they confront and challenge societal norms, reclaiming space within the male-dominated art world and asserting their voices with strength and resilience. 

Through each member’s unique perspective, the rich tapestry of printmaking is explored, infusing their work with a distinct voice and vision. From the intricate lines of etching to the bold relief of woodcut, from the tactile textures of collagraph to the narrative depth of artist’s books, this exhibition showcases the breadth and depth of contemporary printmaking practice.

Join us in experiencing the beauty, the passion, and the creativity of these remarkable artists as their voices resound through the medium of printmaking.

Contact details
Artsite Contemporary, 165-167 Salisbury Rd Camperdown, Sydney NSW 2050
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