Regen Melbourne

Regen Melbourne is an engine for ambitious collaboration, in service to our city. We are the host of bold projects for a regenerative Melbourne.

Powered by an alliance of more than 180 organisations, Regen Melbourne is working towards a thriving future for people and planet.

Our initial work used Doughnut Economics as a framework and resulted in our co-created vision statement, our goal to move Melbourne into the safe and just space of the Melbourne Doughnut, and a roadmap for collective action.

After two years of initial experimentation and discovery, Regen Melbourne has emerged as a new way of organising.  Our purpose is to bring deeply impactful research and projects to life. Together, we are activating our alliance to (reimagine and) remake Melbourne.

See more on the website or Linkedin

See more listings on our events pages for all states of Australia in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. You can also add your own events for community, environmental, non-profit and cultural groups and organisations free.