Add Your Event or Organisation to BCL

Selected groups can post events on the BCL What’s On pages and have a listing in the community organisation listings – and it’s free.

If you have an account, please go to the Contributor Dashboard for registered contributors to log in and add or manage their listings and events.

Listings we encourage: non-profit organisations, community building events, cultural events, public forums, environmental initiatives, fundraising, awareness days, etc. Online events welcome.

Listings we don’t include: overly commercial events, investment seminars, political party events, religious events.

Community Organisations: If you fit one of our categories, please register to add or claim your listing.

Need to register?

Request an new account using the form below. All submissions will be subscribed to our email newsletter as it acts as a reminder to check listings. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Details you provide here will help us decide whether to approve your account.
(this step keeps the spam out)

Share a little information about the sorts of listings or events you wish to post. We will use that to assess your account for approval.
If the BCL Editor has already listed your event or organisation, tell us here and we can reallocate the event to you for editing and management